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Direktlänk till inlägg 12 november 2013

The host

Av Aggie - 12 november 2013 20:23

                 Book review: The host

The host

Stephanie Meyer

Little Brown and Company



“Body my house          Where will I sleep

my horse my hound      How will I ride

what will I do              What will I hunt

when you are fallen

                                     How will it be

Where can I go            To lie in the sky

Without my mount     Without roof or door

All eager and quick    and wind for an eye

How will I know        With cloud for a shift

In thicket ahead         how will I hide”

Is danger or treasure

When Body my good

Bright dog is dead

The Earth has been taken over by aliens.

They’re called souls.

The souls take over the human bodies and then they can control everything. But souls aren’t evil. They’re kind and peaceful.

They have taken over a lot of other planets too.

This story is about Wanderer, called Wanda, and she’s inserted in the human Melanie’s body. But Melanie is still there inside and she convinces Wanda to go to the humans who’s still themselves. They should live in a cave somewhere in the desert.

But when Wanda finds the humans they think she’s one of the souls’ spies, called seekers, and they can’t see that Melanie is still inside the body, so they aren’t very happy about her appearance.

The author uses some difficult words and she uses a lot of slang - c’mon for example - , which is kind of hard to understand when you aren’t very good at the Queen’s English at first.

The book is written in imperfect.

I think it’s normal long sentences. Some are long and some are short but most of them are just


I think that it’s very detailed.

“I looked at the woman who had spoken, surprised to see that she was as old as Jeb, maybe

older. Her hair was dark gray rather than white, which is why I hadn’t noticed her age before.

Her face was a mass of wrinkles, all of them turning down into angry lines. But there was

something familiar about the features behind the lines.”

It’s quite simple, as always, I the dialogs but when it’s describing parts, very often, then it’s

very detailed.

I think that the story is both serious and humoristic. The funniest parts are when it’s serious.

I would say that the story is tolerant because Wanda is a tolerant person.

I think that, if I understood it right, it’s personal. The narrator is the first person, Wanda, and then it’s very personal for Wanda.

I don’t know if it’s any message that the author wants to convey, but if it is maybe it’s that aliens doesn’t have to be evil and green and take over our planet with weapons. They could be peaceful and I think they do it because it’s the best.

It’s written in imperfect but it’s chronological with some memories from Melanie’s past.

I really liked the book. It was kind of slow in the beginning but when she found the humans it was more fun to read.

It’s a very thick book, about 600 pages, so it took me some time to read it and sometime I had to force myself to read.

I think the category of readers should be young adults, like the age 13+ or something. I think that adults could read it too, but I think that the author wrote it for young adults, because it’s that kind of language young people uses these days. And maybe the plot is more for younger people, but they can’t be too young.

I would recommend this book this book because it’s very exciting and funny. An interesting plot, too. Maybe if you’re not used to English you should read it in Swedish first.

But you should read it.

En book review till skolan. Hoppas ni gillar den!

Kram Aggie!


    Kom ihåg mig



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